5 Creative Ways To Make Learning Fun Again

5 Creative Ways To Make Learning Fun Again

We all have some cherished memories of our school or college lives that we like to revisit every now and then.

Maybe it is because we enjoyed the times we got to spend with our friends, or because of that one teacher who kept us so engrossed throughout the lesson that we lost track of time.

Given how insanely competitive the very enterprise of studying has become today, students are not only falling victim to rote learning but are also missing out on the fun of it.

This, in turn, can have a far-reaching impact on their future. So, it is the responsibility of the teachers to make studying fun and enjoyable experience again, so that students can gain knowledge interactively and enthusiastically.

Alternative learning methods such as playing strategy games like escape rooms can be very effective in imparting knowledge to students in a hands-on, easy-going, and fun way!

Let us look at some of the most impactful ways to make your students fall in love with studies all over again.

1. Segregate your lessonssegregate-your-lessons-as-creative-way-to-make-learning-fun-

More often than not, your students are bound to get disinterested if the class lasts for too long. Especially if you are teaching about something new and different, a lengthy class/lecture might not be enough for your students. Instead, you can break up the entire lecture/class into smaller fragments. It, in turn, will help ensure that your students can concentrate and retain their excitement throughout the session.

You can start with a brief introduction on the topic and smartly follow it up with a relevant, interactive activity. Furthermore, this activity will also help you to check whether your students have understood the concept well or not. Taking your class out in the open and letting your students engage in some other group activity can be a good idea too! Finally, you can wrap up your class with a friendly group discussion, wherein students can put forth their queries, and you can clear them.

2. Live experiment sessionslive-experiment-sessions-as-creative-ways-to-make-learning-fun-

If science is one of the subjects that you teach, this one is for you. Simply teaching the theoretical aspects of science is not enough to make your students understand them. By including a few practical experiments, you will be able to make learning a fun experience for your students.

Theories like buoyancy, the density of matter, gravitation, and several others can be explained to students through simple and easy experiments. By breaking the monotony of long theoretical lectures, you can start incorporating a few practical sessions into your classes. Research shows that the visual has the greatest impact on human minds, and thus, would these experiments on the minds of your students.

3. Give your students a little freedomgive-your-students-a-little-freedom-as-creative-way-to-make-learning-fun-

Students are forced to remain bounded within the narrow boundaries that demarcate their scholastic syllabus. It might often make them feel that their choices are never paid heed to when it comes to their education. To break this notion, you can start by giving your students a little freedom in your class.

It can include small steps like letting them decide on a suitable assignment on a relevant topic that they will work on. It can also be about what group activity they can have in the forthcoming classes, and so on. In this way, as you start giving a little freedom of opinion and choice to your students, it will make them more interested and active in your class than before. They will start enjoying your lessons and have fun in the learning process.

4. Let your students work in groupslet-your-students-work-in-groups-as-creative-way-to-make-learning-fun-

Several pieces of research and studies reveal the fact that when students are allowed to work together, they learn much more. As you allow your students to work together in small groups, it will also help them to retain the information that they have learned or gathered.

It also helps students to grow certain other necessary skills like team working capabilities, communication, critical thinking abilities, and so much more!

5. Inculcate games too!inculcate-games-as-creative-way-to-make-learning-fun

Continuous classes can more often than not become unbearable for students. Many of your students might become restless if the classes persist for too long. Instead, you can let your students have a short break from the monotonous routine of their studies.

You can let your students spend this break time in various interesting ways. Letting them play games together, where you too can participate, is one of the best ways to spend the time. It can help harbour greater engagement amongst your students, making the entire process of learning more fun and interactive. Yet another advantage of playing games is that it does not call for any kind of prior preparation. You can choose from the many educational games that you can easily find online and let your students engage in one today! Once you start playing a few escape room games with your students, you will soon be able to notice how they are no longer tired or restless in the lessons.

Learning should be always be involved with a fun experience, where students get to know new things in an interactive mode such as the latest digital transformations. Imposing far too many expectations and regulations on your students can make the whole idea of studies too troublesome for them to bear with. Instead, let the class be flexible. Your students can still learn a lot through a more hands-on and enjoyable module rather than lengthy lectures that do nothing but put them to sleep.

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